My name is Sofia Isabelle Ruiz Botsacos. I grew up around my mother, father, brother and countless other relatives. All of which have a love and personal connection with the arts in their own unique way. Spending time with each family member individually allowed me to fully learn and understand different kinds of art through all different spectrums, whether it be music, painting, photography, sculptures, film, or even cooking.
As an aspiring artist, I can not remember my first encounter with art because I have been exposed to all different kinds of art since the start of my life. I look back on my younger life usually through stories being told by relatives or home videos being played, and all these stories tend to include me doing something “art related”. I remember constantly doing arts and crafts, being so neurotic about my colored pencils being in a straight line and in color coordination, playing with a toy kitchen along with helping and watching my dad cook in the kitchen, and experiencing dance shows and Broadway shows with my mother who has a passion for this specific area of “the arts”.
I have always wanted to learn about different levels of programming online for digital art and how everything on a computer can come together, so similar to a pen and paper. Digital art is also an interesting form of art to me because of an internship I completed in New York City at an office named, Cullman and Kravis. This company has the reputation of being an outstanding interior design firm. I am so fortunate that I was able to sit with designers and watch them create layouts and put fabric ideas together, and when they were not completing designs and such with a pen and paper, they were using a computer. Learning about different ways to create “computer art” would be helpful to me in a line of work I am interested in.
I have taken several different art classes starting from a young age. From the age of five to about nine I had the pleasure of attending art classes in Montauk at an art barge with my Nonna (grandma), where I learned the basics of art, but also different methods that allow for a variety of art. I always take an art class in school, my highschool classes were of course my favorite. I attended a studio arts class, yearbook class, ceramics class, video tech. class, and multiple music and drama classes. So far in college I have taken a studio arts class in my first semester of Freshman year, and am now enrolled in a digital arts class for my second semester of Freshman year.
Art can not be chosen when it wants to be made, it is made by the artist when they chose it should be made. When I want to create something, it's not an idea that just comes to my head and it is automatically done. This is a process, first I tend to think of the subject, and that is dependent on what kind of art I have drawn interest to during that time, second I start to sketch things out and look up images that fit the same “genre”. After I think about the subject for enough time, and the moment is right I suddenly feel the need and urge to create what I have cooking in my head. This moment does not happen very often, normally the spur of the moment feeling to create art happens when the artist or aspiring artist, needs it the most because of the feeling any craft, brings its creator.